– An articles on Broken City Lab’s project Varying Proximities was published in Calgary’s Avenue Magazine and in Calgary Herald’s Swerve.

– Bee Kingdom talks with CKUA’s Artbeat about their project with WATERSHED+, segment called ‘Bugs in Your Water’

– WATERSHED+ won two awards for the Americans for the Arts Public Art Network 2014 Year in Review
WATERSHED+ Artist Residency
Fire Hydrant Drinking Fountains

-“Utility Centric”, in Public Art Review, Fall 2013, by Jon Spayde

– WATERSHED+ featured in Canadian Art
Canadian Art writer and curator Tatiana Mellema explores Watershed+’s conception, current developments and ambitions.

– Article in FFWD by Andrea Williamson and Steven Cottingham

– Host Amery Calvelli interviews Tristan Surtees and Charles Blanc on CJSW’s space + place.
space + place is a radio program about architecture, the city, and the visual culture around us.
Listen on cjsw or with itunes.


UEP Interviews